Fillings in Wyoming, MI

Our doctors may recommend composite fillings to restore decayed teeth. A composite filling matches the color of your natural tooth enamel so it blends in with the rest of your smile. This is because it's made from a tooth-colored plastic and glass mixture.

Composites bond to the tooth to support the remaining tooth structure. This helps to prevent breakage and insulate the tooth from excessive temperature changes.

Here's what else you need to know about composite fillings.

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Benefits of Composite Fillings

Unlike silver amalgam fillings, white composite fillings don't draw attention to themselves. Instead, they match the color of your natural tooth enamel so you can smile with confidence.

Dental amalgam fillings expand and contract a little with temperature fluctuations. But these tiny movements can sometimes be enough to allow bacteria to enter the tooth. This can lead to tooth decay and other oral health issues in the long run.

Amalgam fillings are also rigid, which means they’re not able to flex like natural tooth structure.

What to Expect

It'll take one appointment for Our doctors to place a composite filling in your tooth.

First, he'll numb the tooth so you don't feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Once you're properly numb, he'll remove any tooth decay. Next, Our doctors will use composite resin to restore the tooth.

Our dentist will ensure that the composite resin matches the rest of your teeth. That way, no one will be able to tell that you have a filling. They'll just see your beautiful smile!

Happy lady after using composite filling in Wyoming, MI

Aftercare Instructions

After getting a filling, you'll need to continue practicing good oral hygiene at home. This means brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day. That way, you'll be able to keep dental plaque at bay.

We also recommend that you continue seeing Our doctors for preventive dental care.

Learn More About Dental Fillings

Our dentist in Wyoming, MI, is accepting new patients and would be more than happy to welcome you and your family. To schedule an appointment with our team, call Wyoming Dental at 616-534-8554.

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